The Journey Begins: Amarranth It has been a long time since I wrote here, or was in this world at all... I don't really know where to be start, actually. But the way to tell a tale is to tell it, so... A long while ago, in August I think? I set off to find Mute, who had been missing for two years. I had never met her myself, but others had, and my Lord and Father The Corinthian had asked me to do this task, or rather said it needed done and I offered. I knew that she was in a grove off of the Twilight Sea, in a dead wood which might be related to the Wailing Wood. And my Father had spoken and treated with The Amarranth, who is the Lady of the Sea, and is I believe similar to what some people here might call a mermaid or a merrow. So I would have help of some kind from her.... I set off through Wild Wood, towards the sea. I had an interesting if relatively uneventful journey (though I saw many strange things, which perhaps I may write of later). I am not sure how long it was before I came to the Twilight Sea. It was dusk there, as it often is. (It is never day or night at the Twilight Sea: it is dawn, dusk, or twilight.) I did not know if she would speak to me, but I decided to try and speak with The Amarranth. Respectfully, I laid out the white flowers I had gathered in the forest for her, and sang a song my Father had taught me, that was supposed to bring her attention to the singer. I was not expecting it to be like it was: she rose from the water as I sung, and was... far more then I had expected her to be. Her hair was long, and an odd sort of blue-gray with hints of blond. It seemed to shift color as I looked at it, and sometimes even was a deep emerald ocean green. Her face was long and slendr, almost like a long triangle. Her eyes were oddly slanted in a way which fit her face, and a bright, piercing and sparkling cerulean. Her skin was sleek, like a whales or a sharks, that sort of odd gray... It shimmered, faintly. Her upper body was vaguely human-like, though it was graceful in a way truely suited to the Sea. Her arms were long and thin but muscled, and her long, thin hands had only three fingers, two of which were of equal length. Her neck was long and slightly thick for her graceful body. She wore no clothing, so her bare breasts were visible. At about the waist the sleek lines of her body continued in a long vaguely fish-like tail. It did not appear to be exactly scaled, though the skin seemed odd and thicker there. When she turned a bit I saw that a small fin ridged her back, running down to nearly meet the one on her tail. She opened her mouth to speak and I realized her teeth were pointed and vaguely sharklike. My throat tightened a little, and I hoped she would remember my Father's treaty with her... I am growing tired now, so I think I will write more of this later... Eight Chassubel formerly known as Eight of the Mannikins December 21, 2001 |